This is a comedy TV series about a teenage girl and music star that leads a double life. Miley Cyrus plays the part of Miley Stewart a typical 14-year-old with the normal teenage issues of fitting in to a new school and town. The plot thickens when Mily puts on her make-up and the blonde wig and changes into the all the rage, Hannah Montana a famous singer.
Miley Stewart was formerly from Tennessee but now lives Malibu, California with her father Robby Stewart and her brother Jackson. The only ones that know Miley is also Hannah Montana are her family and her two best friends, Lilly and Oliver.
The charters: Miley Stewart is played by Miley Cyrus; Hannah Montana is played by Miley Cyrus; Robbie Stewart is played by Billy Ray Cyrus; Jackson Stewart is played by Jason Earles; Lilly Truscott is played by Emily Osment and Oliver Oken is played by Mitchel Musso.
The story plays on the attempt by Miley to be a normal teen in spite of her celebrity and trying keep her music star status a secret. The popular girls in the school Miley goes to trade insults, and mischief with Miley and her friends. The girls are not real friendly and some scenes are really hurtful and not typical Disney but may be the way kids in Malibu, California act today, too bad. Miley’s brother Jackson love interests are not my favorite topics and I can do without more information on this subject.